Often people ask about the side effects of quitting smoking - but they are so trivial that they are hardly worth much thought. However, I know very well that before you give up smoking facts as it may seem less trivial and more a huge disincentive to quit.

My New Year's resolutions to give up smoking, where he became a little joke - I remember the Christmas of 1999 - so I was determined to enter the 21st c. a non-smoker. I am afraid that once again it did not happen - which is made ​​all the worse my attempts were not genuine attempts - in fact, they barely got past the announcement that I would try and quit. My friends did not believe I'd even try, and honestly I knew I would - I would always find an excuse not to try this most difficult task


I think that is my main excuse is that I'd never really is not to give up smoking - I've always found an excuse to not even try. I'm confident that when the time is right I would succeed just as I'd managed to succeed in most things I tried. Unfortunately the thought of trying to exist without cigarettes simply terrified me.

Well I survived the experience and I am now a non-smoker and I think about 5 years (maybe 6 I gave up counting long ago). What I want to explain some of the so-called side effects of quitting May we all have heard (and used as an excuse not to try ).

You'll get a really bad cough

Well it's true early on in your end you get a little cough. However, the cough is caused due to more oxygen through your airwaves, and the body gets a chance to expel toxins from your body. Frankly it is a most welcome cough I've ever had - it means that I could breathe again


You'll be struggling with stressful situations

This was my favorite side effects / excuse, because it is just so untrue. We've all been there - we need a cigarette just before / after a stressful situation. I had to have a cigarette before the weekly meeting I used to host and when I was over the line and have another one. How would I cope without cigarettes - and the amazing fact is actually much better - 95% of the stress caused by cigarettes. Cigarettes to stressful situations much worse, because when you're not smoking in a constant state of nicotine -. that is, of course, why you smoking

will put on loads of weight

This really depends on how you give up smoking - if you give up smoking with the wrong approach - to use substitutes such as nicotine patches, sweets, drinks or all of them - then you'll put on weight. But if you understand and give up smoking with the right methods, it is simply not true.

You'll be very grumpy

Again, this may be true if you stumble into their fold stage with the wrong attitude. body recover from a mild physical properties of nicotine addiction pretty quickly - the mental ones are much harder, if they do not understand how I can get grumpy. With a positive attitude and true methods that you enjoy smoking cessation.

One day I'd like to see a world where no one smokes - I spent most of his youth trying to escape and dreading even trying, but when I found thea real way that worked was one of the most positive things I have ever done. smoking cessation has side effects - you'll feel better, be happier and live longer


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